Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weeks 19

This week was an eventful week! John's parents own a timeshare up in the mountains (a ski/summer resort) and we spent most of the week up there. I have lots of pictures of the different activities below. The picture directly below is Rhett holding his feet so I can change his diaper. What a good helper... now he just needs to learn to LOWER his legs once I have the diaper on so I can fasten it!

At Snowbird (the resort), it was pretty rainy and chilly... but we did catch a few sunny days and the pool water WAS heated... so we decided it was okay to take Rhett for his first swim. At first I'm not sure what he thought, but by the end, he seemed to be enjoying himself!
There was a park there and the "baby" swings were actaully for handicapped people. I don't think Rhett is falling out though...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

First Feeding - 18 Weeks

Well, I must have missed taking pictures of Rhett of 17 weeks. For Week 18, Rhett discovered how to take his nuk out of his mouth. Okay, so he's been able to do that for a while... the trick though is to get it BACK into his mouth...
We noticed about a week previous to this week, Rhett really started to drool and watch and John and I as we ate. We decided at four months, we could work on starting him on solid food. We brought some rice cereal and caught the whole ordeal on film.

16 Weeks

Rhett is enjoying the sun... INSIDE because it is far to bright outside. When ever he is exposed to the sun, he squints and squirms because he can't open his eyes. I gave him his sunglasses to where and he smiled for the camera. Ginger, however is NOT impressed. I think she is more excited outside!
Rhett likes the orange chair in our room that i use to nurse him. I don't think I could have asked for a happier baby. What's better is that his smiles and laughs crack me up!

15 Weeks

These are just some random pictures of Rhett taken at 15 weeks. The first is Rhett enjoying his new pack and play and the second is Rhett enjoying a little belly time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A little behind (14 and 15 Weeks)

So much has been going on in the past month and a half! Well, really, we just haven't been home... Anyway, this is to catch everyone up. When Rhett was 14 weeks old, we had a big scrapbook show in Michigan, and after, we went to stay with some close friends in Wisconsin.
On our way to Michigan, Rhett decided he was going to roll from his belly to his back....Well, we didn't catch it on video because we simply weren't prepared. So our feeble atempt at the hotel room wasn't much better -- but here you go.

Rhett dicovered the magic of a stuffed animal. He chose the blue bunny that is his size that his great grandpa Vern gave him. Here is a cute picture of him cuddling with it at the hotel in Michigan before he fell asleep. And obviously he preferred his thumb to his nuk.

When we arrived in Wisconsin, John told him that I had never taken him to Pike Lake State Park. I thought I had because those hikes are some of my favorite childhood memories with my family. So we took the longest hike they had and we found some great backdrops for family pictures. This one turned out the best! We found a hollows out tree with a log lying next to it.

We then hiked up Powder hill. It's called powder hill because the other side of it is crumbling away. In fact they have a fence up now so you can see over the edge like you use to be able to. It must be crumbling at a faster rate! Well we got a cute picture of Rhett experiencing grass for the first time.

And finally, what Wisconsin trip is complete without a trip to watch the Milwaukee Brewers play? And to top it off, they were on top of the rankings (at least at the time we went). The game was great and Rhett did pretty well... until the Brewers started hitting homerun after homerun and he didn't enjoy the LOUD reaction of the crowd! :) We strolled around the stadium and found this statue of Barnie Brewer so we posed for a picture.