Saturday, August 28, 2010

Standing and Walking - kind of!

So it's common knowledge that Rhett has been slow to get from crawling to walking and I've posted a few videos of his progress, but NOW we have solid proof that Rhett is INDEED capable of walking AND standing. A little detail on the video below. This is a video that I "mashed up" to show Rhett's ability should he choose to use it. My theory has always been that Rhett never had the desire to walk because he moved from crawling to walking on his knees, thereby making his transportation hands free (which is kind of the desire behind walking I assume). Rhett can get anywhere he needs to go and is quite efficient (and fast) at crawling and walking on his knees. But it seems that FINALLY, he is beginning to have a desire to be a bit "taller"! I know I'm behind on my blog since I moved back home from Vegas but this is a video that I couldn't wait to "catch up" to post. Enjoy!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Random Cuteness!

My cousin's husband is taking a photography class and was having some fun with his photography during the Pioneer Day Parade. Here are some random cute pictures of Rhett!

Stuffing his face (a pretty common occurrence)

A cousin of Rhett's showing Rhett the "cool" way to wear a hat... Rhett wasn't convinced. We may have persuaded Rhett to wear his Mickey ears during Disney Land, but he was having none of the wearing of the hat!