Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wii Fit

So yesterday, John went out of town on a business trip to Southern California. Since Rhett sleeps nearly all day, I thought it would be a perfect time to study for some upcoming exams... EXCEPT that Rhett would not let me put him down. It was really too cold to do anything like a walk, nor did I really feel up to it, but when I finally got him to sleep (for like five minutes), I pulled out Wii Fit for me to track my weight loss and get a little work out. Well, as soon as I flipped it on, Rhett woke up again and so I had this amazing idea to do the step arobics holding Rhett. IT WORKED. He fell right to sleep after a couple of times... and I got a bonus workout doing it while holding "weight" in my arms! Better yet, last night was the first night he SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT! That was excellent for me because I started getting sick -- probably from lack of sleep and then not napping during the day (going to classes instead). Anyway, I wanted to share my joy :)

Rhett is now a week and a half old and John's mom tells me his looks are changing and he's beginning to look a lot like me, but I can't tell -- I with him all the time! Plus, neither John nor I have baby pictures of ourselves to compare him too. He is smiling at me though and I'm so GRATEFUL that he is not a "purple crier" or really a crier at all. I think I really lucked out with a well tempered child! In fact, when he's not sleeping, he just lie there staring at nothing at all.

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